WPA-Inspired Neighborhood Tourism Prints
Visit the shop to explore more than 70 prints celebrating neighborhood landmarks, iconic buildings, and hidden gems throughout Chicago.
Featured Products
Chicago Cultural Center
Neighborhood Logo Map
Chicago Seasons Set
The Chicago Neighborhoods:
One Designer’s Take on Chicago
Welcome to the Chicago Neighborhoods, a personal design project by Steve Shanabruch. The project started in 2011 as a way to bring two of my loves together: Chicago and design. I began by creating logos for 100+ of the city’s neighborhoods, and from there it led to a WPA-inspired “Neighborhood Tourism” print series. While I have stopped creating new logos, the print series continues to slowly grow.
The Neighborhoods
Chicago is composed of 77 official community areas and over 200 unique neighborhoods within these areas. Click below to learn more about the city’s various neighborhoods and to view the logos that I created for over 100 of them.
The Origins of the Neighborhood Tourism Print Series
Learn more about the history of the WPA’s Federal Art Project, the beginnings of the Neighborhood Tourism Print Series, and suggest a neighborhood to be included in the series.
Chicago-Inspired Fonts
From neon signs to letters sculpted into a building’s facade, Chicago has a long history of amazing signage. So many of these signs have been lost over the years, but I have found a way to preserve what we still have and commemorate what we have lost through an ever-expanding roster of signage-inspired fonts. These fonts are free to download in the shop!
Be sure to check out this feature article in Chicago Magazine about the fonts I have created: History Rewritten